I was posting about a decent time at Primos when I heard the magical sounds that I haven't heard in 8 months...the ICE CREAM MAN SONG. Its almost as good of a sound as hearing City Highs "What Would You Do" (if your son was at home, crying all alone on the bedroom floor cause he's hungry...) on your way to work, which is exactly what happened to me this morning. Anyways, there is literally NOTHING going on at work so I ran outside and flagged the jolly tejano down so that I could enjoy a nice popsicle. I studied the board trying to decide if I should go for the zany screwball, or the more original Bomb Pop. I decided on the bomb pop, but once I saw that they had Cry Baby Sour Bomb Pop with a gumball tip, I was in heaven.
So, I paid the man 2 dollars (I could have bought an entire box of these at Fiesta for a dollar), and skipped back inside. Well, I thought I was going to be able to hide the fact that I left the office to visit the ICM (Ice cream man), but I locked myself out and had to ring the doorbell. Fat moment. But anyways, here I sit, eating my Bomb Pop, with a red mouth, and a sticky keyboard. Good thing my sister isn't here, I get to trade my popsicle-soaked keyboard with hers. Legit
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