If I had to choose between being loved or eating queso, you all know what I would decide. I would rather be an un-loved fat chick with 10 Bengal Cats, then to not be able to eat the beloved dip we Texans devour 2-3 times a week. Now, when it comes to Torchy’s Taco’s (formerly of Austin, now moved to Dallas), it is a greater extreme. If someone held up my sister’s baby (see adorable photo) and a bowl of Torchy’s queso, I’m embarrassed/saddened to say, the queso would prevail. I’m sorry, Adriane, it is just THAT good.
Torchy's Queso= More delicious than this babay
Torchy’s Tacos is Pei Wei meets Chuy’s but better than both. Ordering at a counter has two advantages to me: 1) You don’t have to awkwardly split up the check and write your name on the back of a receipt (I hate you anyways if you are the girl that makes people do that), and 2) You get to make up ANY name you want to have them call when your order is ready.
Baja Shrimp on the left, Trailer Park on the right.
My suggestion is to pay in cash, because they knew my name because I paid with my credit card. Next time, I am going to use a horribly embarrassing name, most likely Brucey Ruth, since that is one of my friend’s real life names. I got the shrimp taco and the trailer park taco. Both were good, but next time I would order myself my own bowl of queso and a trailer park taco—it is basically a chicken finger with hot peppers and lettuce. Oh, and jalapeƱo ranch, because ordering a fried chicken taco isn’t embarrassing enough. Go to Torchy’s. Get Queso. It’s better than anything else in this world.
Except sour candy and Eatzis. And Dallas.